Lean strategy

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Lean 6 Sigma Solutions  provide strategic consultancy to assist your organization establish, develop and maintain a sustainable Lean culture. Once the strategy is in place and we have performed an initial implementation, our team of advisors will assist your organization in maintaining the internal capacities of your team and develop more Lean projects within your strategy  in order to set the organization on its Lean journey. This partnership ensures that the momentum is not lost and that your progress is sustained. By providing continuing guidance and support to Senior and Middle management to support the long term transformation of the organization.

We bring KILA, global best-practice technologies and our proprietary methods and tools to every initiative, adapt them to you unique needs and transfer this knowledge to your team. We work with your team in real-time, greatly enhancing retention and ensuring smooth, effective implementation with immediate return on investment. Once the KAIZEN Lean implementation process has started, improvements are continuous, visible and totally sustainable, since the results were achieved by
your team. KAIZEN Institute Lean Advisors are coaches and trainers who quickly disappear as your group gains the confidence and knowledge to effectively implement KAIZEN Lean both culturally and technically. A great value we add is the infectious energy and engagement we instill in your team that spills over into every area of your organization.

In summary:


· L6SS Lean Initiatives create double digit cost savings.

· These proven techniques reduce lead times, wait times, and improve quality.

· By adapting Lean into your organization, you will enhance your product or service offering.

· L6SS establishs a flexible shceudle and environment to meet the changing demands of your clients and customers.

· We track all gains and profits from your Lean Strategy.

· We mobilize your work force for increased productivity and a more enjoyable work envirinment.


Our Approach to KAIZEN Lean

KILA delivers more than KAIZEN Lean training on tools and proven methods - we help your people develop expertise in tools choice, application and execution. That in-house strength is what separates success from failure. The goal of our KAIZEN Lean transformation work is to transfer the knowledge of how to blend the right tools and methods at the right time for the unique needs of you organization. Your organization benefits because this is not about 'cookie-cutter' style training or 'one size fits all'. KILA delivers a KAIZEN Lean program that is unique to your needs, culture and success to date. We help you build on what is going right and grow in-house resources to mistake-proof things that could go wrong. You own it, you live it and you reap the rewards of success!

Quality is Not Expensive…..

It is Priceless