Lean tools

Standard Work

Visual Management

Value Stream Mapping


Total Productive Maintenance


Batch Size Reduction


Production Leveling


Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Cellular Manufacturing & Pull


Copyright Ò 2010 Lean 6 Sigma Solutions, LLC.  All rights reserved.

Lean” was coined in an MIT study of automotive manufacturing in the 1980s to describe Toyota’s production system: Lean Manufacturing. (Higher Quality, Lower Cost and Shorter Lead times with less resources).  Lean Healthcare is a Customer Focused approach.  Activities are can be viewed as Value Added or Non-Value Added with respect to providing value to the customer.


A company that is striving for Lean is one that can deliver a product or service that a customer wants and at a price that reflects the value added services of your process.  Understanding your value stream is an important concept for your organization because you begin to understand your product or service from your customer’s perspective.  Lean tools, when properly applied  are an effective way to reduce waste in your process


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Many of the Lean tools used today to help us identify waste and make our product or service flow more freely through our process are:

Are you a non-profit organization, hospital or school? Then you may qualify for Lean Louisville. 

Click Here to Learn More

Our affiliate, the Lean Supermarket  has many of the tools necessary to get your Lean team going.  www.LeanSupermarket.com


"Lean Supermarket® and all other trademarks and logos for the Company's products and services are the exclusive property of Lean Supermarket Inc. All other marks referenced remain the property of their respective owners. See LeanSupermarket.com for more information."


Six Sigma is registered trademark of the Motorola Corporation

MINITAB® and all other trademarks and logos for the Company's products and services are the exclusive property of Minitab Inc. All other marks referenced remain the property of their respective owners. See minitab.com for more information."

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