Six sigma tools

Copyright Ò 2010 Lean 6 Sigma Solutions, LLC.  All rights reserved.

Six Sigma is a business improvement methodology focusing on process improvements that reduce  error rates to the extent of 3.4 defects per million.  The increase of quality, service and reduction of delivery times are reduced by identifying and eliminating sources variation in the business processes. Six Sigma is focused on establishing an understanding of customer requirements and focusing improvements on areas which relate to customer satisfaction.  Six Sigma’s approach of defining operational metrics, measuring these metrics and then improving on them is based on a systematic problem solving technique called DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.  Thousands of companies that have successfully utilized the DMAIC process have seen significant improvements in the company’s net profits. Six Sigma is not a quality management system, such as ISO-9001, or a certification system. Instead, it is a methodology for reducing defects based on a proven improvement process. Some key themes of Six Sigma is summarized as follows:
• Continuous focus on customer requirements;
• Using the methods of measurement and statistics to identify and measure variation in production processes and other management processes; identify root causes of problems;
• Emphasize process improvement to eliminate fluctuations in the manufacturing process or the process. 
• Actively strive in continuous improvement and
strive for six sigma goals.


Autocorrelation Charts

Box-Whisker Charts

C Charts

Cause & Effect Diagrams

Confidence Intervals

Control Charts




Equality of Variance Tests

EWMA Charts

F tests

Factorial Designs



Goodness of fit test

Gage R&R


Hypothesis Testing

Individual and  Moving  Range Charts

Multi Vari Charts

Nominal Group Technique

Np Charts

P Charts

Pareto Charts

Process Capability Index

Regression Analysis


SPC Charts

U Charts and X –bar Charts


Select Your Industry






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